Life in a Square | October

This has been one of the worst months of my life, the worst I can remember, and nothing is as it was before. I’m behind on everything, and I fear I might have missed or will miss things. My normally OCD-organised brain has gone on a strike, and I just got home from a few days at Mum’s. Mum’s not there, so I spent most of my time in the hospital with her. I didn’t open my laptop, so now I’m trying to play catch-up.

What I have done this month is take photos of the river when I’ve walked by. I could fill this post with river photos, but I won’t. I’ll only share a few šŸ˜Š Shall we do a study in river photos? Starting early, then mid, then late in the month? The middle one was a frosty day and you can see the fairies dancing on the surface of the water.




I snapped the photo below one day and thought it matched my mood pretty well.


But I have some pretty tree pictures too, it’s not doom and gloom in every photo.



In general, the dog walks have been pretty boring this month. The moose hunt has started so we don’t dare walk in the woods as we normally do, and the poor dog has to be on a leash. He’s not pleased. He’s been let off the leash when we’ve been close to the house.


Dora, one of the kittens, was very pleased that we stuck close to the house, that way she could walk with us.



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